
Sergei Loznitsa, Special Guest at FIC.UBA

Loznitsa will showcase four feature films of his renowned work, one of them being The Natural History of Destruction, which will be a premiere in Argentina. He will also be one of the main speakers at the seminar about Cinema and Democracy.
Sergei Loznitsa, Special Guest at FIC.UBA

One of the main features of Loznitsa’s work, since his first films in the late 1990s, is that it promotes the struggle for freedom and democracy. In his fictional work and his observational and archival documentaries he always sought to express collective experiences and the values of the democratic system. “I want my films to urge the viewers to move towards self-knowledge, self-awareness, and awareness of certain important things that they never considered before. This is of the greatest importance to me”, Loznitsa said in an unquestionable statement of principles.

The tribute will include four of his films: Maidan (2004), about civil disturbance in 2013 and 2014 in the central square of Ukraine’s capital; State Funeral (2019), a documentary made with archival footage of Josef Stalin’s funeral and its preparations; Babi Yar. Context (2021), about the largest massacre that took place during the Holocaust, in which 34.000 Jews were murdered in a ravine on the outskirts of Kiev in 1941; and The Natural History of Destruction (2022), his last feature film -premiere in Argentina- where he examines how the massive destruction of German civilian population was perceived by European post-war literature.

In addition to the presentation of his films, Loznitsa will participate in a lecture within the framework of the «Cinema and Democracy» seminar, which aims to create a space for debate and reflection on the role of cinema in the consolidation of democratic values in society.

Sergei Loznitsa grew up in Kiev, Ukraine. Before having studied cinema, he graduated from Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute as a mathematician. Since his first documentary in 1996, Today We Are Going to Build a House, he has made a total of 31 films, both short and feature films, being My Joy (2010), In the fog (2012), Austerlitz (2016) and Dombass (2018) the most noteworthy.