
All the Awards of the UBA Short Film Competition

All the Awards of the UBA Short Film Competition

Best UBA Short Film
FIC.UBA Award to 5' de lucidez by Maitena Fontanazza (Argentina - Debut Film)

Statement of the Jury:
"A close and heartfelt documentary portrait, achieved through an empathetic and sincere social actor, a key choice to generate intimacy in the observation, portraying his life experience through an honest narration that is shown through a permeable way to meet the real, without forced dramatizations, far from correction, distancing and solemnity for the subject matter. With few shots, it presents a precise and transforming cut of the world. An audiovisual experience full of humanity, which professes a new hope in the possibilities of a more vivid existence".

This Short Film also won the APUBA Award (Asociación del Personal de la Universidad de Buenos Aires) and the Indi Gandhi Award

Special Mention 
Expediente: Marta by Lucía Trotta (Argentina - Debut Film)

Statement of the Jury:
"Combining in an organic way the testimonies of three victims of appropriation, archival material and dramatizations of the facts, the story is crossed by a latent monstrosity that flows subway, like blood through the gutters; remains that, without being made explicit, bear witness to the horror. A psychological and sensitive horror, where the present in absence and evocation emerge as powerful tools of emotional communication. An interpellation that at times makes us uncomfortable but that inevitably brings us closer to the density of terror, provoking an active journey on the factual reality that it denounces".

Special Mention
Lo que nunca dije by Sol Monsalvo (Argentina - Debut Film)

Statement of the Jury: 
"Through its personalistic quality that privileges a thought that is built with its doubts and feelings as the work itself progresses, we pass through a self-portrait in first person where its path of refined and intimate form dives into her own experience, making appear, in Raymond Bellour's words, "a fleeting proof of identity". "It is not a mere story, confession or dramatization distanced from the story itself; it proceeds rather as a series of clues, expressing itself above all through lists of beloved objects, inventories of places full of meaning", generating a sincere dialogue with herself and, from there, an emotional communication with the spectator, finding in cinema a vehicle to heal her loss".


All the Awards of the UBA Short Film Competition

All the Awards of the UBA Short Film Competition

All the Awards of the UBA Short Film Competition